LLámanos 01 (229) 921.44.90 al 92 Intranet

Curso Inicio / Cursos & Diplomados / Administración y control de obras / INGLÉS

Miércoles 18 Agosto, 2021


Duración 40 H.


- New vocabulary: school and office vocabulary.
- Numbers.
- What’s your phone number?
- What’s your e-mail address?
- How old are you?
- Possessive adjectives my, your, his, her.
- Can I leave a message?
- Countries and nationalities.
- Where are you from?
- What’s your nationality?
- Where is he/she from?
- What’s his/her nationanlity?
- Where are they from?
- What’s their nationality?
- Common verbs in English.
- Simple present conjugation
- Simple present affirmative, negative and interrogative
- Telling the time.
- Weekly routine.
- Time expressions.
- Jobs and occupations.
- What do you do? What does he do?
- The present continuous affirmative, negative, interrogative.
- Places in the city.
- Prepositions of place to give locations.
- How much.
- Numbers and prices.
- New vocabulary: things in a department store.
- Adjectives for good and bad.
- Adverb + adjective.
- Can for ability affirmative, negative and interrogative.
- The past of Be affirmative, negative and interrogative.
- The verbs in past.
- Simple past affirmative.
- Simple past negative and interrogative.
- The past continuous affirmative, negative and interrogative
- The past continuous Vs. The simple past.
- The regular & irregular verbs in participle.
- The present perfect affirmative, interrogative and negative.
- The future with will and be going to affirmative, negative and interrogative.
- The past perfect affirmative, negative and interrogative.
- Conditionals type zero, one, two and mixed.
- Active and passive voice.
- The reported speech.
- How to write a formal letter.

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Registro participante

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Datos facturación

Condiciones: Estoy enterado y de acuerdo que de no reunirse un mínimo de 10 participantes para el curso, la CMIC Veracruz Puerto tiene la facultad para reprogramar el inicio, respetando mi pago de inscripción.
Cámara Mexicana de la Industria de la Construcción


(229) 921.44.90 al 92 | [email protected]

Acerca de CMIC Veracruz

La industria de la construcción constituye uno de los sectores productivos que mayor bienestar aporta a México con la creación de infraestructura básica para su desarrollo: carreteras, aeropuertos, vivienda, etcétera.

La Cámara Mexicana de la Industria de la Construcción máximo órgano de representación del gremio, consolida, unifica y promueve desde 1953 a las empresas afiliadas del país.